
Thursday, May 1 from 10:30–11:15am EDT (46 days away)
Weekly on Thu starting Thursday, Dec 7 and ending Thursday, Dec 18
22–28 mos old
Required: an adult must stay
C$35 Free trial for new customers plus 13% sales tax

Where they are:
Your little one is communicating, sharing opinions (probably mostly ‘no’), and showing interest in their first friends! They can do new things like walk backwards, jump, and balance on one foot.

What to expect in class:
Our play floor comes to life with trips to the grocery store, eating pizza, finding animals, and even bugs! We’ll use creativity and imagination in all activities. Throw a pretend party, imagine a wild trip to outer space, or pretend to be an ant in a bug’s world…we’ll transform our playscape into a whole new world!

Gymboree Play & Music Toronto

Unit 204, second floor of Tim Hortons, Five guys burger

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